Bozza automatica

I 18 poeti italiani e di altri nove paesi impegnati nel Festival europeo di poesia ambientale

Typography is the art and technique

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).

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Typography is the art and technique

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).

Sapereambiente è una testata d’informazione culturale per la sostenibilità edita da Saperenetwork srl Società Benefit, gruppo Hub48. Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Roma, autorizzazione n. 208/2018 del 27/12/2018. Direttore responsabile: Marco Fratoddi.

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